3 ways to start an empowering new routine when you’re busy and stressed

This could be a new routine you know you ‘should’ start, even want to start but even the thought of starting is exhausting. It feels like just one more thing you have to do.
Join me as I share three different strategies to make this new routine happen. In just 5 minutes I’ll share:

  • How to use neuroscience tp convince your brain that this new routine has to happen;
  • Finding a way to associate the new routine with fun;
  • Harnessing the power of quantum zeno to turn a routine into a habit (this is a game changer); and
  • The weird science behind starting a new routine and time travel. 

Let me know your success story!

Your next step:

Whether you’re working hard and it’s just not working, or your business is up and running and you’ve lost your sense of purpose, you’re in the right place. Let’s chat!

Would you like a no cost coaching consultation?
Click on this link https://calendly.com/elizabethgould/reset-or-reframe-clarity-call
to book a quick, no obligation chat about how I can move you from exhausted to empowered,
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