Fastrack your Future – Meditation

In this episode of ‘Exhausted to Empowered Entrepreneur,’ bestselling author and Master Neuroplastician Elizabeth Gould introduces a transformative breathing exercise called the Fastrack your Future Meditation.

This technique aims to help you achieve clarity, confidence, and a lasting legacy by envisioning a future where you’ve already succeeded. The episode includes detailed instructions for practicing the exercise, the importance of music, and testimonials from clients who have benefited from it.

Join Elizabeth in exploring how this neuroplasticity-based tool can enhance your decision-making and empower your personal growth.

00:00 Introduction and Purpose
00:43 The Challenge of Balancing Roles
01:07 Introducing Fastrack your Future Meditation
01:37 Step-by-Step Meditation
02:30 Visualizing Your Future Success
06:21 Enhancing Clarity and Confidence
07:33 The Importance of Music
09:55 Client Testimonials
11:19 Conclusion

Detailed instructions

  1. Set Your Intent:
    Choose an event or situation you desire for your future. Visualize the life you want to enjoy and use this vision as the focus for your breathing exercise.
  2. Find Your Sacred Space
    Find a quiet, comfortable, and private space. Select instrumental music to accompany your session—classical or instrumental tracks work best.
  3. Begin the Exercise
    Close Your Eyes and Breathe.
    As the music begins, close your eyes and start breathing deeply. Recall a momentous event in your life filled with joy and pride.
    Recreate the Emotions.
    Feel the emotions from that positive event—joy, pride, and excitement bubbling up inside you.
    Visualize Your Future Self:
    Project yourself into the future where you’ve achieved your goals. Envision the details and feel the emotions as if it’s happening now.
    Immerse in Your Future Life:
    Visualize your overall future actions and activities. See yourself immersed in a successful and fulfilling life.
  4. Solidify the Experience:
    Let the music anchor your focus and emotions. Take a moment to settle back into your present self before
    continuing your day.
  5. Adjust and Repeat:
    Change the aspect of your future you observe each time you practice. Focus on health, wealth, career, or relationships, depending on what feels most important right now.
  6. Utilize Music as a Trigger
    Use the same piece of music for your sessions to create a seamless flow between sleep and wakefulness. Consistent music helps reconnect with your goals even during stressful times.

By regularly practicing the Fastrack your Future Meditation , you can transform the stress of scaling your business into clarity and confidence, enabling you to build a lasting legacy. Enjoy the episode and try out this empowering exercise!
Your next step:

Are you working hard but it’s just not working?
Maybe your business is up and running and you’ve lost your sense of purpose?
You’re in the right place to go from exhausted to empowered! .

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to book a quick, no obligation chat with Elizabeth about how you can move you from exhausted to empowered,

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