The hidden truth about losing your way to find your purpose

Do you believe success happens after you find your purpose?

In this episode Elizabeth reveals the misconception that one must find their purpose before achieving success. Sharing real life success stories that took a different path, she illustrates how purpose can often be found during the journey rather than at the start.
Learn how this affects entrepreneurs and how to relieve the pressure this misconception brings.

00:00 Introduction: From Exhausted to Empowered
00:26 The Hidden Truth About Finding Your Purpose
00:52 Entrepreneurial Beliefs and Misconceptions
02:01 Success Stories: Finding Purpose Along the Way
04:14 The Stress of Purpose in Career Choices
05:11 The Impact of Purpose on Health and Well-being
06:06 The Backwards Path to Success
06:27 Conclusion: The Journey Matters
06:57 Upcoming Episodes and Final Thoughts

Your next step:

Are you working hard but it’s just not working?
Maybe your business is up and running and you’ve lost your sense of purpose?
You’re in the right place to go from exhausted to empowered!

Click on this link
to book a quick, confidential chat with Elizabeth about how you can move you from exhausted to empowered,

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