Interview with Shana Francesca – Life Designer, Writer & Speaker.

Shana Francesca is a professional interior designer and life designer with 15 years of experience. She is the founder and lead designer at Concinnate. She established the firm five years ago with the desire to work with clients around the world. She believes infusing our lives and the spaces in which we dwell with curiosity and intention creates space for us to be our full, unique, and authentic selves-to design our lives, beautifully.

What I loved about this interview was Shana’s unique and fresh approach to designing your home space including her advice ‘Rulles be darned!” Plus:

  • How Shana uses her clients’ body language to understand their needs;
  • Why it can be great to reduce or even remove all furniture from a room;
  • The role that natural elements play in design;
  • Writing yourself a permission slip when starting the design process;
  • How Covid has jolted us into taking a fresh look at why we live like we do; And so much more!