Brian Gorman – A hero for change

Brian Gorman has had a career focusing on personal and professional transformation at the most senior level. Currently VP of Program Development at Quantuvos, an executive coaching business, Brian works with clients as they identify the goals they want to achieve and comes face-to-face with what is holding them back. While a management consultant at a global consulting firm, Brian first trained on the principles of the human change journey. Since then, he has served on large change teams tackling global turnarounds and has coached leaders at all levels. As an expert in change management, he has helped leaders through significant life changes, transitions into new roles, and in dealing with the chaos that change inevitably brings. Brian is an ICF-certified coach as well as a frequent speaker on change. Brian has written more than 20 articles for Forbes Coaches Council and recently gave a TEDx talk on personal change.

In this podcast episode we explore;
• How Brian become fascinated with the power of organisational change. (2:11)
• The symbolism of his fraternity house mascot and the 10 year journey to achieve change. (4:00)
• Revealing the myth of the Hero’s journey, how it shapes our popular culture and all of our lives! (11:34)
• How creating your personal story for the future can impact your success in the present. (16:08)
• Explaining where the workplace is right now with the Great Resignation and the Great attraction and how that will evolve. . (19:44)
• Revealing how Covid has made people change weary, less resilient and predicting the way forward. (21:27)
• ‘What makes your heart sing?’ Why this question that Brian asks his coaching clients is so transformational and how this can impact you too. (23:34)
And so much more!
You can learn about and reach Brian at: